Bodysnatching for Science: Charles Byrne’s Stolen Bones

Hello! I have returned from another inordinately long break in between posts to talk at  length about things relating to dead people once again. I've been busy with Funeral School and my Funeral Job, and, through a fault that was entirely my own, had to spend the majority of my evenings that past couple of… Continue reading Bodysnatching for Science: Charles Byrne’s Stolen Bones

Deconstructing Decomposition: The Process of Decay

So, since this is a death-and-related-things focused blog, I figured that I might as well delve into a pretty fundamental aspect of the whole death thing and write about what happens to something that was alive after it dies. Of course, decomposition isn't the only thing that can happen to an organism after it dies (I… Continue reading Deconstructing Decomposition: The Process of Decay